Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good God!

One of my favorite extensions I've ever done is also one of my last alters of 2010:

Well I had a pretty beat Portal Wrath and thought I'd give it a similar treatment:

Just one of the alters I'll have on me in Louisville at the end of the month. On an entirely different note, I got to play in a Nationals qualifier this afternoon. While I just narrowly missed the top 8 at 9th, my friend JR of the Untapped podcast snapped a pic of the two alters I was playing on board against the one and only Jonathan Medina.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hell-o There

I've had this Revised DT lying around for a few months now. Finally got around to making it a little more spiffy.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Queen of the Castle

Stoneforge Mystic is everywhere. Check out the Top 8 of the last SCG Open. With Sword of War and Peace and Batterskull hitting tournaments soon it's clear we haven't seen the last of this girl. So I did what any sane card-alterer would do and painted a queen to go with my king:

I Wish I Could Work This Fast

My new alter video is up on

Click here to check it out.

The alter took around 3 hours to complete. We sped it up around 1500% and did some rough cuts to get the time-lapse effect. Here's the finished project:

Thanks go out to Trick Jarrett for always being receptive to alter content from me, and to my fiance Jeanne for doing pretty much all the editing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

There's a Storm a Brewin'

With most commissions out of the way, I finally have some time to do some work of my own. Here's one I've had planned for a few weeks now:

Be sure to check out tomorrow where my time-lapse video of an alter will be posted.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hammer Time

Pretty excited for the new Thor movie coming out in May. In honor of the occasion, I thought I'd post all the Thor alters I've done in the past.

This card was done for my friend Tim's cube way back in 2008. A nice example of how far I've come in terms of cramming details into my work.

This card really started it all in terms of superheroes becoming my 'thing.'

Take two on altering Chain Lightning.

Thor's modern look on a not-so-red card.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Engagement Sol Ring

I'm engaged! This evening I'm proud to announce I've finally proposed to my wonderful girlfriend of five years. These past few months have been great. Business is running smoothly and I'm soon to be married. Needless to say, I'm counting my blessings.

This weekend I'm finishing up an order of commissions so I can start stocking up for SCG events at the end of May. Here's a Palinchron I finished up today:

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Tomorrow I'm heading on vacation in Atlantic City for a few days. I'll still be doing some painting, but blog posts will have to wait until I return. Here's something before I go!

Something I hope I don't roll in the casinos. Get it? Snake Eyes!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

By the Power of Gray Skull

Newly finished this afternoon:

I'll be pod casting this evening with a few of the members of Untapped. I expect we'll be discussing a lot of topics including altering. Be sure to listen in when the episode airs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cryptic Commander

My very last post in February included this alter. Recently I took on a order to paint the ol' Commander once again. I love the reference, so I thought I'd give it another whirl.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's Better Than One Sword of Feast and Famine?

Two Sword of Feast and Famine, of course!

Plays nicely with this one:

The latter being the extension prize one lucky listener of the Untapped podcast won several weeks ago. If you're not currently following these guys, you should be.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Not Everything Is Black and White

Lately I've been working on a large set of commissions. When working on a set I'll periodically look over the finished work to check that my quality has been maintained over all of the works. Recently I keep coming back to this one to set a baseline. I love doing black and white alters:

Because I like to work cleanly, I find the graphic nature of black and white really helps to accentuate what I'm looking for in a finished piece. Here's an older one that was just as fun to work on:

As a side note, this week SCG offered me a table for any of there Open events this year. I'll be at Louisville and Indy for sure, and am looking to book further events as well. While Kentucky is about six weeks away, I'm super excited to get working on some stock for that weekend. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Slave to the Grind

SCG Atlanta was a blast. I finally got a little coverage and today I found out I'll be able to attend SCG Louisville May 21-22 and Indy June 3-5. StarCity is setting me up with a table so I can be there on official capacity. Which means I need to stock up...

...after I get through this stack of commissions. Here's some of today's work (Brainiac and Street Fighter's Cammy):